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StartupRecipe Investment Report 2022


StartupRecipe Investment Report 2022

According to the Startup Recipe’s own research, the amount of investment attracted by Korean startups in 2022 was KRW 10,827.1 billion. There were 1,480 investment cases in total. The figure is down 9.9% from 2021 when KRW 12,286 billion flowed...


StartupRecipe Investment Report 2021

The Startup Recipe Investment Report 2021 is an investment report that compiles information on investments attracted by South Korean startups in the year 2021. It covers information on startup investment news, trends in the startup ecosystem, and important investment sectors...


StartupRecipe Investment Report 2020

This Startup Recipe Report is an investment report that collects investment information attracted by domestic startups in 2020 alone. The news of 2020 tartup investment, ecosystem trends, and major investment fields were covered.The data used in the report was used...

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