This Startup Recipe Report is an investment report that collects investment information attracted by domestic startups in 2020 alone. The news of 2020 tartup investment, ecosystem trends, and major investment fields were covered.
The data used in the report was used by collecting and using information published or articles about investment facts by startups or investors. Even if it was officially announced, some information may have been omitted.
The collected business history was limited to 10 years or less, and the cases of acquisitions by large companies and listed companies to become affiliates were also excluded.
Blockchain also included legal tender and coin investment. Women’s companies are based on when at least one of the co-founders or CEOs is a woman. It also included companies whose headquarters were established overseas by Korean entrepreneurs. The start-up industry classification used in this report was based on the start-up recipe’s own criteria that benchmarked the classification method of foreign investment companies. First, the classification method of
the venture capital association was referenced, and the classification method of overseas VC and accelerator was compared.

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