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IBK hosts Changgong demoday 2024

sungho-choo - 2024 May 31

Industrial Bank of Korea(IBK) held its ‘IBK Changgong 2024 First Half Demo Day’ event from May 29-30 at the IBK Finance Tower on Eulji-ro in Seoul. The event provided an opportunity for 24 startups that completed the IBK Changgong Acceleration Program to pitch their businesses to investors and showcase their products and services through booth exhibitions.


  • GTL = Gateway antenna system connecting satellites and ground stations
  • Ziovision = Intelligent social safety solutions, AI medical device solutions
  • IdeaOcean = Automated mechanism design for robots/machinery
  • GhostPass = Decentralized biometric authentication solution for smart devices
  • NineWatts = City/building-level energy/carbon reduction software
  • ConnexioH Kor = E-commerce data-driven BI/financial ACSS services
  • EverIndurs = Low-cost, high-efficiency silicon anode for lithium-ion batteries
  • CGInside = AI-based legal risk optimization SaaS solution iHoper
  • GLINS = Intelligent agricultural machinery solutions for smart farming
  • Sentinel Innovation = Livestock manure resource (biochar) solution
  • RoboTable = Modular F&B robot reducing repetitive kitchen tasks
  • PowerAutomation = AI component assembly robot development


  • NanoElectronics = Developing high-efficiency 3D nano-heaters
  • Repla = Eco-friendly plastic recycling pretreatment solution
  • MassAdoption = ‘Buckle’ business solution for retail brand product/customer/channel management
  • CleBrain = Sound recognition-based music score learning platform
  • CIT = New materials enabling 6G communications by reducing transmission loss
  • Ingkle = Industrial equipment optimization big data platform
  • Bottle = Teeoff sales platform ‘TeeMart’
  • OsteoBionics = Biocompatible high-strength nano-speed dental implants
  • NearBrain = AI-based cerebral blood flow prediction service
  • BiomATZ = Microbial strain combination design platform
  • BioLinkS = Cell-based animal testing alternative development
  • BioBricks = Development of customized bioinks for 3D bioprinting of organs

Alongside the demo day presentations,employees from IBK Changgong’s Silicon Valley desk joined local VCs for a fireside chat. The CEO of Bear Robotics, a company that originated in Silicon Valley and recently raised 80 billion won from LG, also gave a keynote speech sharing the company’s experiences with global expansion.


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